Want to sign up for a workshop using you credit? We’ve got you covered. In order to redeem your credit, please be sure you are logged into eventbrite and checkout from our eventbrite page.  It can go toward any workshop you are interested in. We can’t wait to have you in class!

Here are some extra instructions if you run into trouble.

  • Select the ticket quantity and click “Checkout”.

  • Fill out your details and click "Payment".

  • Select your credit amount under "Credits".

  • (Optional) If the credit doesn't cover the full ticket price, select a payment method to pay for the rest.

  • Click "Place order"

If you are able to see your credits but can’t apply them to payment, this is likely because you are using the Safari browser on an apple device. Please use the Chrome browser or eventbrite app instead to checkout. Do not hesitate to reach out to molly@talentmakercity.org for support!